For Corporates

Education for Asian Talent’s corporate seminar series supports ambitious goal setting and discovery while developing the market value of employees.

Varied Programs

Training programs are available for a wide variety of industries, from finance, IT and manufacturing to the service sector, public institutions, and auditing firms. We target all stages of career development, from new employee training to management and leadership skills for section chiefs, department heads and executives.

Basic Orientation

・Understand that no single “correct answer” exists in the age of diversity and uncertainty
・Cultivate the ability to “think things through” without relying on self-help books
・Learn to set ambitious goals
・Instill the “think globally, act locally” mindset and learn to separate logic and emotion
・Adopt market value as a measure of individual and organizational growth
・Raise market value through training
・Apprehend major workstyle changes that will affect all Japanese businesspeople across the world

Focus on the Individual

We develop a profile of each student through a standardized pre-assessment focusing on self-awareness and articulation
Group Training
・Cases studies based on real life business scenarios, groupwork designed to maximize individual contribution, presentations focused on personal growth, passionate debate, and written-form Q&A
・Tailored facilitation and coaching to enhance student potential

Capstone Assignment

Students design a system with specific behavioral principles to reach their 7-year goals

Follow-up Training

We provide individual reinforcement plans and monitoring (if necessary) in addition to a scheduled follow-up training session

Hands-on Training Topics

The Fundamentals of Next-Generation Management
・Win-win Workstyles for Employees and the Organization
・The Art and Science of HR: Setting Ambitious Goals
・Predicting 20 Years Ahead to Maximize Personal Growth and Foster Talent
・Envisioning the World from a Business Leader’s Perspective
・Radical Solutions for Personnel Management Stress
・Intrapreneurship Project
・Global Standards for Management
・Career and Skill Development to Outlast the Competition
Specific Topics for True Growth
・What is Real Governance?
・What is Real Governance?
・The Global Approach to Work-life Balance
・Evaluating the Position and Future of One’s Company/Industry through the Stock Market
・Building Perspective and Cultivating Future Skills through Financial Literacy
・Many more!

The subjects addressed in corporate training sessions are tailormade and constantly evolving, based on the needs and awareness of the client.
Case-1 Manufacturer
Target: Newly appointed managers in their forties and fifties from various departments of a large, well-established company
Period: Three days (consecutive)
Style: Overnight training camp
Course Title:

Developing Management Skills in the Era of Diversity

Deliverable: To develop progressive managers who seek to grow continuously
Main Takeaways: “Networking”: build valuable personal relationships and broaden your horizons
“Financial literacy”: enhance objectivity and perspective with knowledge of finance and asset management
Actualize potential and increase motivation through new awareness of one’s value and a fresh perspective on personal development!
Case-2 Bank
Target: Candidates for executive positions in their thirties from a specific department of a major financial institution
Period: 8 sessions/6 months
Style: Full day (two half-day sessions were reserved for guest lecturers)
Course Title:

Developing Management Skills in the Global Business World

Deliverable: To develop management skills and the knowhow necessary to compete in global business
Main Takeaways: “The strengths of Japanese workers and global obstacles”: understand the playing field and learn to adapt
“Entrepreneurial mindset”: the ability to earn and the importance of diverse personnel
Case study: “Conflict between Global HQ and the Head of Japanese Operations”
The global management mindset opens the door to unprecedented personal growth!
Case-3 Tech Company
Target: Middle managers in their mid-thirties and forties from various departments at a growing IT company
Period: 3 sessions/9 months
Style: Full day
Course Title:

Workstyle Transformation to Overcome Uncertainty and Management Skills throughout the Company

Deliverable: To cultivate the skills necessary to free managers from the daily grind
Main Takeaways: “Ambitious goals”: IT skills as a tool for reaching goals and setting objectives
“No more pointless meetings”: reestablish meetings as an opportunity for value production
“Company values”: link organizational values to daily practice
Less social people have the greatest potential for growth as managers!
Case-4 Life Insurance Company
Target: New hires at a sales branch
Period: 12 sessions/1 year (repeated yearly)
Style: 1 hour training session
Course Title:

Career and Skill Development in the Global Era

Deliverable: To acquire global business skills and knowledge
Main Takeaways: “Communicating with clients”: learning from experience and the importance of OJT
“Current events”: presentations and discussion of global issues
“Reading the market”: building perspective through financial literacy
Future growth and development hinges on work habits established early in one’s career!
Case-5 Service Sector Company
Target: Temporary employees responsible for part-time workers at the headquarters of a small, well-established company
Period: 6 sessions/1 year
Style: 3-hour training session
Course Title:

Enhancing Process and Management Skills to Achieve Sales Goals

Deliverable: To learn the basics of management
Main Takeaways: “Practice and master PDCA”: redefining “P” as “Plan & Purpose” raises awareness and improves effectiveness. Each trainee masters the PDCA cycle through lectures, repeated practice, and reflection.
Clearly defining purpose for temporary employees builds stronger awareness and brings out their potential!
We focus on our client’s needs to provide the most impactful and unique training programs possible.
Other trainings provided are:
“Enhancement of overseas communication skills” for a leading manufacturer
“Lecture series of improvement of asset management power” for a public institution
“Using the asset management as a weapon of the global business person” for a leading insurance company

In order not to make the training effect fleeting but to let it actually make a change, we undertake the training task as a series. Exceptions will be made when we receive an approach from new industry or an innovative proposal. We undertake one-shot training in such cases. To develop a unique training program with explosive impact, we densely exchange ideas with clients.